I was rushing around getting ready to run a few errands as usual that Wednesday morning. All was normal at first, I took my husband to work, then headed back home to rush the kids to music class, then after that, it was on to swim team practice, lunch chiropractor, then home to study up to teach pre-school choir at church. I had just a few minutes to say hello. So, I picked up my phone and dialed, without thinking really, it was just a good time to talk to my grandma again. In between all the craziness of my day, I wanted to say hello and see how she was doing. But, she didn’t answer the phone…
That phone call was made the day AFTER her passing, I really was so busy with my day that even though I had cried tears of sadness the night before, the reality had not yet sunk in…
So, I called, I think I let the phone ring thirty times. After about the third ring, I realized what I had done…I had been told she was gone…but I sort of hoped it was a bad dream, so I let the phone keep ringing as I cried my tears…
So, I heard some of you thought my story was incomplete…YOUR right! I am so sorry. I have not quite figured out the best way to let you know there will be more to read! (-: So, here is the “Rest of the Story” (-: (you all know who said that right? -Paul Harvey…my favorite part of the radio show we listened too growing up!)
The last time I called, (a few weeks before her passing,) she answered, I asked her how she was doing, she said, “I guess I am happy and well, but, I am just so tired. I am just not sure what the good Lord thinks He needs me here for still. But, I am happy your all doing well.” She needed to rest. She said the good Lord must have a reason for her to be here still. I told her I loved her and I was glad to have spoken with her. and she said she loved me too, and “Well, it was so good to talk to you, have a good day.” I could imagine her tired smile as she hung up her phone.
I guess she is taking a really good nap because I have been letting the phone ring a long time…the phone just keeps on ringing. because my grandma is good and strong…
My grandma is strong…super strong. if you knew her life story, if you knew her pain, if you knew how greatly she loved us and cared for her children. If you knew how fervently she prayed for her children and grandchildren, and now even great grandchildren, If you are one of those she prayed for, I urge you to consider her prayers for you as they were prayed with sweet love for you. She prayed for us to trust Jesus Christ as Savior, she prayed for us to turn to HIS ways, to seek Him for our joy and happiness. She prayed for us to trust God and follow His ways. If you knew how strong her faith in Jesus was, you would think as I think that she was super strong because of HIM. She is known as a strong and brave and heroic grandma. One who will always be loved as she loved us all so well. She loved because she understood His great love. She was able to forgive and learn and persevere. She tried not to judge as she knew that the sinner is to be greatly loved even when the sin was grievous and hurtful. (even when the sin of others hurt her personally) she loved by His example and sacrificed much as she knew He gave the greatest of all sacrifices. She gave out of her neediness to those in greater need than herself. She rarely complained (well…not too often- she was still human!) (-: But she did wonder out loud as to why He has chosen to keep her here for so long a time.
the photo is me with my grandma on my wedding day almost 15 years ago…
Then, when you have to be far away, she always answers the phone every time you call with the same vivacious “Hu-hello” and a little sweet smile you can see when you hear her repeat your name even as she takes a bit of time to remember who you are. She says, “Oh I’m so glad you called. . how are all you, and your little ones? She is always asking about us while she is the one in constant pain. I am sure it helps her to think about us and our busy lives. I however, love to hear about her seemingly mundane days, oh how I think that I long for days as nice as hers. Time to watch Wheel of Fortune, read an entire book from cover to cover, and time to work word puzzles. Now she even takes her time to draw now as she has taken to enjoying drawing since her hands began to curve up too much for crochet. She has her puzzles too she says. She is always happy to hear how our day is going and what errands we are running. She always says she is praying for us and always says to give hugs and kisses to the sweet kids.I don’t think I ever actually believed my grandma was going to die. Do you know anyone in your life like that? Someone so strong and close to you that you did not believe it was going to happen, even if all the physical signs were there?
I mean…yes, she is old, weak, and on oxygen, but every time you visit, she is sitting in that blue chair of hers crocheting, reading her Bible or working on puzzles, or watching a show or the news. She always smiles and hugs and kisses you and says how glad she is to see you with a sweet sweet smile! She hugs and kisses your timid kids (as they don’t get to see her often enough), and as it all settles down, she watches them play with her race cars and puzzles.

So, I am joyful; in that my sweet, cantankerous Grandma is in heaven with Jesus, and as my cousin said…”she is standing tall today!” and for that I am so happy…
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