Grand Teton Nationl Park~teenage musings
Our stop at the Grand Teton National Park provided one of the most stunning sites I have ever seen.
On our
way there, we happened upon an entire field of Bison, they were far away and hard to see but it was pretty amazing! Get your National Geographic about the Bison in Wyoming here!
Grand Teton Mountain Range!
I was able to capture a photo of the most beautiful mountains I have ever seen! The Grand Teton Mountain Range! Here is a beautiful Panorama on sale at Amazon!
We proceeded to the visitor center where I bought many postcards to share with my family and friends. We then walked on a trail by the river that led to an old historical house and many other historical buildings. Among the buildings in the small village there was a small store. It was one of the original buildings in the area. The workers were very kind and knowledgeable. They answered our many questions, (there are 4 kids, lots of questions ensue with 4 kids!) Most everything in this quaint store was made in America, (Just like this shirt!) many made near the Grand Teton area. We ended up leaving with a handmade Jacobs Ladder toy! Get your own made in America Jacobs Ladder here! We also purchase a handmade sponge. (for washing dishes—since we forgot to bring one on our trip!)
We headed OVER AND joined in on a Ranger guided tour, (my brothers were part of the Junior Ranger Program all summer! You can find more information here!
Overall, everything in this area is stunning. The workers were wonderfully kind and the historical part of the place was very interesting. The sights were breathtaking and I hope to return again someday!
~Moms says there are 6 visitor centers for this National Park! Check them out and find one closest to your hotel or campground, they all have lots of fun things to do!
*All photos belong to S-Bear teenager, please do not copy and share without acknowledging her blog posts and sharing the links! Thanks so much!*
*All Amazon links are affiliate links, thanks for supporting our family in our educational travels!
“I don’t know if I told you, but my mom made us take this LONG tedious road trip last summer….these are my musings” about each stop she made us take….I just wanted to GET to my cousins up North, but she insisted we see all these Scientific, Historical, Scenic places on the way!” 2016 National Park Road Trip!
*All photos belong to S-Bear teenager, please do not copy and share without acknowledging her blog posts and sharing the links! Thanks so much!*
*Amazon links are affiliate links, thanks for supporting our family in our educational travels!
By S-Bear Teenager